Showing posts with label Diosa Ixchel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diosa Ixchel. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Goddess
 of Cozumel 

Hello to all our hoppers

This space is created in order to share more information about Cozumel, we noticed many hoppers love our island and we want to share more stuff beside our tour.  Can´t love what is not known.  So on this site we will  produce in addition to those who are already in love with the Island, much more stuff to discover.

Let's start with some of our ancestors:

Cozumel means "Island of the swallows" in Mayan.

On this island lived priest and nobles, Ix-Chel was the Goddess. The  Mayans use to worship in Cozumel. In Mayan mythology Ixchel was the goddess of love, of pregnancy, of textile works, moon and medicine. The Mayans who lived on land had to come at least one time in there life to thank the goddes for the blessings they received.

When their children were born, The mayans would come to the Island with the goddess and then the Priest would show them which would be there profession or what they would dedicate themselfs to in life.

It is also said that women who could not have children, would come and ask for the blessing of the goddess and she would grant them their wish.

In mayan mythology this is the story of her appearance
Mythology and Legends of Ixchel:

The mythology that an almighty god called Itzamna, son of the god, married the moon goddess Ixchel. The goddess Ixchel attributed the phenomena related to the moon, pregnancy, tissue and floods.
One of the most important temples are located on the island of Cozumel. Pole port (now Xcaret) canoes departing with pilgrims to the temple to ask the goddess Ixchel to the women to bear children in their pregnancies that their husbands wanted.

Ixchel is said that she took under her protection to the pilgrims who visit the holy island, Cozumel.
Here below you will find a picture of a statue, than a friend did for us, When he find out I was pregnant.

Sorry for english Hope you liked, and please leave your comments!